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Re: Test release for GSL 2.8

From: Patrick Alken
Subject: Re: Test release for GSL 2.8
Date: Sun, 12 May 2024 09:09:23 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird

Hello, your suggestions for sparse matrices are good ones. I added a ticket to the bug tracker to track these - I will work on them when I have time

On 5/10/24 20:51, Brijesh Upadhaya wrote:
[External email - use caution]


All tests passed for gsl-2.7.1+ in Debian 12 with GCC-12.2.0 and glibc-2.36.

Maybe you should update the author names in the source codes inside gsl/linalg. 
It seems that you have added/updated a few routines.

I don't know if this is necessary, but the scaling of a complex (sparse) matrix 
with a real vector, complex sparse matrix-vector multiplication, and 
unpacking(in place) a complex vector could be added. I had to somehow do the 
above-mentioned stuff while solving a time-harmonic FE problem.

There are alloc and calloc for the blocks and vectors. Is there any particular 
reason for not having anything to resize a block or a vector?

In gsl/spmatrix/getset_source.c, _set() replaces the matrix elements, could it 
be possible to assemble the matrix as

*(BASE*) ptr = *(BASE*) + x;

and copy the entire code to a new name.


On 11. May 2024, at 1.18, Mohammad Akhlaghi <> wrote:

Dear Patrick,

Thank you very much for sharing the good news about the new GSL release.

I just configured, built and checked the tarball on an Arch GNU/Linux with GCC 
14.1.1 and Glibc 2.39 (on 12 threads to speed it up):

./configure && make -j12 && make check -j12

There were no warnings or errors in the compilation or in the checks! 
Everything went smoothly all the way until the end :-).

Thanks for all the work on this wonderful package; GSL is a mandatory 
dependency of GNU Astronomy Utilities; and we rely heavily on it. I look 
forward to the release of GSL 2.8.


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