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Technology to build an ethical website for a clinic

From: Jorge P. de Morais Neto
Subject: Technology to build an ethical website for a clinic
Date: Tue, 07 May 2024 19:39:26 -0300

Hi!  We need to rewrite our clinic's website.  The clinic has two
doctors.  For now there is no need to schedule appointments via the
website.  We just need to advertise the clinic's services, show contact
information and blog posts.  The blog posts should be easy to write by a
doctor that is unskilled and uninterested in markup languages, even
lightweight markup languages like Org Mode or Markdown.

We have a current website which layout we can copy.  It is unfortunately
written in a proprietary WordPress plugin.

Do you recommend specific technology for the new website?


- I am Brazilian.  I hope my English is correct and I welcome feedback.
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