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Re: [Help-liquidwar6] Getting ready for 0.0.8beta

From: Christian Mauduit
Subject: Re: [Help-liquidwar6] Getting ready for 0.0.8beta
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 2009 21:22:59 +0100 (CET)
User-agent: SquirrelMail/1.4.15


On Thu, November 5, 2009 6:34 pm, Kasper Hviid wrote:
> I tried, but it didn't quite work out
> I copied liquidwar6-0.0.7beta to
> C:\Users\Kasper\Documents\Downloads\msys\home\Kasper\liquidwar6-0.0.7beta
> Then I ran ./configure && make && src/liquidwar6
> It ran for a long time, and then I guess it was finished ...
> I found liquidwar6.exe in the directory
> C:\Users\Kasper\Documents\Downloads\msys\home\Kasper\liquidwar6-0.0.7beta\src
> When I executed it, it claimed that msys-1.0.dll wasn't found ...
OK, if you got that far, you've done 99% of the path, the hardest part is
to produce liquidwar6.exe. Now once you get there there are several things
to check:
- double (triple!) check the size of your liquidwar6.exe, if it's only
20kb or so, it's a fake (a launcher, in fact) and the real one is in
"src/.libs/liquidwar6.exe". Yes, this is spooky.
- the msys-1.0.dll is certainly somewhere on your hard drive, for some
reason, it isn't found. Are you running liquidwar6.exe from msys (in the
"white background" UNIX-like console) or from the traditionnal DOS-like
command prompt, or even clicking on it? All of them can work but: if
running from msys, really, msys-1.0.dll should be found... Maybe moving to
C:\MSYS\ can help... If running from CMD.EXE, or clicking on it you need
1) to really check you have the real binary (approx. 8 megs) and 2)
indeed, you need to copy a hell of a lot of dlls in the same directory,
where the .exe is. Probably src/.libs/ And to find these libraries, well,
your old 0.0.7beta release for Windows contains them, and anyway they are
available on:

> I have downloaded Mint, but I have not yet installed it. Might try it out
> in
> the weekend.
> Perhaps I end up just doing it blindly, at least for 0.0.8
As a side note, snapshots are available. Now. ;)

> Here's my to-do list:
> 1) create XML files for the current levels
> 2) design cursors for each level
> x) create a promotion-movie
> x) translate to danish (I think I know how this is done)
> x) design a cool looking Liquid War 6 title (might or might not be needed
> for home page or menu layout)
> x) use boost.png and other coolness in new and current levels
> x) design some cooler layout for
> x) create some really perfect menu layout

You know what, current work in progress (the snapshot, the snapshot!) has
some features that might interest you:

'--capture' option -> dumps a .BMP per drawn frame. Framerate drops a bit
but 640x480x25 frames/sec is doable. To make a movie, that's convenient.

boost.png and danger.png have just been "completed" by their new friends
"one-way-north.png", "one-way-east.png", "one-way-south.png" and
"one-way-west.png". If black somewhere, those meta-layers cause the
fighters to go only in a given direction. You can even combine north and
west (not tested, but should work).

Have nice day,


Christian Mauduit <address@hidden> - ___ __/\__
Liquid War 6 -     / _")\~ \~/
"Les amis de la vérité sont ceux qui la cherchent et non _/ /   /_ o_\
ceux qui se vantent de l'avoir trouvée" - Condorcet     (__/      \/

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