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[Help-make] (no subject)

From: Davies, Gerwyn
Subject: [Help-make] (no subject)
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2000 11:16:31 +0100

I'm loosing my mind here. I thought I knew how make files work. I've been
using them for years!!!!

Could anyone tell me why this compiles l3.o:-

>%.o : %.c
>       $(COMPILER) $*.c
>all: l3.o

and why this does not:-

>%.o : %.c
>       $(COMPILER) $*.c
>all: l3.o

which exits with this error:-
>make: *** No rule to make target `l3.o', needed by `all'.  Stop.

I thought that once I have defined the .o -> .c rule, I shouldn't have to
explicitly define l3.o:l3.c relationship. I'm operating with a flat
directory structure, with source and makefile in the same directory.

I'm using Gnu Make v3.77 operating on a NT host. I dont know if this is a
newsgroup, if it is, I'm not currently subscribed so any reply will need to
be sent direct to me.

Many thanks

Gerwyn Davies

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