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Re: functions allowed in prerequisite list?

From: Paul D. Smith
Subject: Re: functions allowed in prerequisite list?
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2002 00:06:44 -0500

%% gk <address@hidden> writes:

  g> * Does make allow functions in the list of prerequisites?

Sure.  But, they're evaluated in the same way variables are: when the
makefile is read in.  So, you can't use things like patterns (%) or
automatic variables with them.

You _really_ need to read the GNU make manual section on "How 'make'
Reads a Makefile" and internalize the places variables/functions are
immediately expanded, and where they're not.

  g> (I do not like the convention %.c has dependency file %.d since
  g> this loses trace of the relationship between %.c and %.d)

I don't know what that means.

  g> In this example, source file 'foo.xms' will have a related dependency 
  g> makefile ''

  g> The problem is that I want the pattern rule that builds have the 
  g> tool 'xms.mkdepend' as a prerequisite

If you have a variable containing all the different kinds of source, why
not just declare it explicitly:

  XMS_SOURCES = foo.xms bar.xms baz.xms biz.xms

  $( xms.mkdepend

or whatever.

  g> Here is an explicit rule for what I want:
  g> : foo.xms /path/to/scripts/xms.mkdepend

  g> Is there a way to generalize the above rule for all files?


  g> I am working around this by including makefiles with explicit rules
  g> for each source file type.

If you want to use GNU make 3.80, you can probably also do it with $(eval

 Paul D. Smith <address@hidden>          Find some GNU make tips at:            
 "Please remain calm...I may be mad, but I am a professional." --Mad Scientist

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