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Compilation Errors

From: S kris
Subject: Compilation Errors
Date: Thu, 29 May 2003 20:19:42 +0530


I am getting the following two compilation errors. Please clarify for resolving this.

* In file test.h

  typedef struct {
              int x;
              char y;

& in another header file test1.h, which is also included in file test.c, the following statement is used which gives the 'parse error before token *'.

  func( simple *i);

*In file test.h

 #define CONST const

& in another header file test1.h, which is also included in file test.c, the following statement is used which again gives the parse error.

   func( CONST char *c);

Errors are appeared even after the files are compiled with appropriate include paths. What may be the reason for this?



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