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Re: Improvement on parallel make

From: Philip Guenther
Subject: Re: Improvement on parallel make
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2006 07:43:09 -0700

On 12/12/06, Brendan Heading <address@hidden> wrote:
Paul Smith writes:
<full-library assembly means the objects can't be intermediate>

I see. I don't use Make this way but if there is a special concept of
"intermediate files" then perhaps we instead need something that
treats those in a special way whenever there is a parallel build in
progress ?

The problem that 'ar' must be serialized when operating on a library
isn't related to the object files being intermediate, so no hacking
there will fix it.

Meanwhile, the problem that you can't (usefully) have the library
object be intermediate when using full-library assemby is fundamental,
as the whole point of the intermediate concept is that the files are
removed as soon as they are no longer needed for a given 'make'

Philip Guenther

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