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Dependency graph dump

From: Gabriele Sales
Subject: Dependency graph dump
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 2009 09:27:12 +0100


I would like to get from make a dump of the dependency graph it uses
to process targets in order to perform some static analyses.

The exact output format it's not important; what I would like is, for
each target, the following info:

1) name of the target;
2) prerequisite names;
3) commands to build the target;

and, possibly:

4) variables exported in the environment of such commands.

Googling around I found a reference to the (hidden) switch
"--print-data-base", that is almost what I want. Unfortunately the
output it produces seems partially unprocessed: for example, function
calls inside commands are not expanded. I'd really like to be handed
the completely transformed result, i.e. the same strings that get
passed to the shell for execution.

Is there any way to achieve that? If not, would it be difficult to
patch make to add such feature (and where should I begin to look)?
Finally, is anyone else interested in the same thing?

Best regards,
  Gabriele Sales

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