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Re: eval of foreach loop of a define runs first target more than once

From: Utku Ozcan
Subject: Re: eval of foreach loop of a define runs first target more than once
Date: Fri, 21 May 2010 21:11:32 +0200

Hi Philip,

many thanks for your help. Below are my comments to your questions:

On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 8:51 PM, Philip Guenther <address@hidden> wrote:
> On Fri, May 21, 2010 at 10:06 AM, Utku Ozcan <address@hidden> wrote:
>> In following Makefile, "gmake" returns me always the message
>> unix> gmake
>> gmake: `codefile_list_CODE' is up to date.
> You might also notice that if you run "gmake -n" it *still* creates the files!
>> .. as though the target generated for first member of the list
>> CODE_SRCS_LIST is executed twice.
>> I see the files are generated correctly, but "make" tries to generate
>> the first file 2nd time.
>> However the define "write_list_to_file" is has following code,
>> define write_list_to_file
>> $(2):
>>        printf "$(1)\n"
>> endef
>> ... ie, no $(foreach) code, the output is
>> printf "CODE_SRCS\n" codefile_list_CODE_part01:
>> printf "CODE_part01_SRCS\n" codefile_list_CODE_part02:
>> CODE_part01_SRCS
>> printf "CODE_part02_SRCS\n" codefile_list_CODE_part03:
>> CODE_part02_SRCS
>> printf "CODE_part03_SRCS\n"
>> CODE_part03_SRCS
>> I had expected that first iteration must be done again, like above,
>> however it isn't.
>> Shall I ignore "up to date" message in the original code?
>> If not, where is my mistake?
>> Why is the call behaviour different in both defines?
>> #### Makefile ####
>>  CODE \
>>  CODE_part01 \
>>  CODE_part02 \
>>  CODE_part03
>> CODE_SRCS += a
>> CODE_SRCS += b
>> CODE_part01_SRCS :=
>> CODE_part01_SRCS += c
>> CODE_part01_SRCS += d
>> CODE_part02_SRCS :=
>> CODE_part02_SRCS += e
>> CODE_part02_SRCS += f
>> CODE_part03_SRCS :=
>> CODE_part03_SRCS += g
>> CODE_part03_SRCS += h
>> define write_list_to_file
>> $(2):
>>   $(foreach file,$($1),$(shell echo $(file) >> $(2)))
>> endef
> As you noticed, this function is completely broken.  Consider the
> output and side-effects of
> $(info $(call write_list_to_file foo,bar))
> Note that simply putting that line in the makefiles results in the
> creation of the file 'bar' EVEN IF 'bar' ISN'T A MAKE TARGET!  When
> does the $(shell) function get expanded?

I am aware of this corner case, but I have concentrated on to store
content/value each variable into a separate file for some other
purpose. This can be seen through the content of the Makefile.

To dump the value of each variable into the file, I haven't been able
to find a way other than "echo". The only way to run "echo" that I
could find is $(shell). $(shell) command is iterated in all whitespace
separated strings in a variable for $foreach loop. Since the number of
variable names in CODE_SRCS_LIST are unknown, I have tought it can be
done with define and $foreach again. If I don't use $(eval), the
uppermost foreach loop cannot iterate to all members of

> Why are you using the make functions $(foreach) and $(shell) in the
> commands for the rule and not just writing shell commands?  Did you
> first write a correct Makefile that does stuff directly without using
> $(eval) and only factor out the code after doing that?  If not, how
> did you know what the generated Makefile rules should look like?

Because I wanted to implement it with "define". Following code works:

write_list_to_file=$(foreach file,$($1),echo $(file) >> $(2))

        $(foreach lib,${CODE_SRCS_LIST},$(call

Is there a way to have targets as filenames generated by the code
above? Rather than "go"?
Can it be done with multiple target method?
How can it be done with explicit pattern rules, in which the filenames are used?

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