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RE: Shell for evaluating .SHELLFLAGS

From: Cook, Malcolm
Subject: RE: Shell for evaluating .SHELLFLAGS
Date: Tue, 26 May 2015 17:57:47 +0000

Erm, there is an errant "o" on the last line of `bash1in`. ~Malcolm

-----Original Message-----
From: Cook, Malcolm 
Sent: Tuesday, May 26, 2015 12:17 PM
To: 'Afif Elghraoui'; address@hidden
Subject: RE: Shell for evaluating .SHELLFLAGS


Are you trying to get the output from different SQL recipes to go into 
different files.

This will be a problem when using sqlite3 as your make .SHELL.

Why?  Because the contents of a make recipe is always passed to the .SHELL as a 
parameter.  Never on stdin.  But that is what you need.

Why do you need the recipe on stdin?

Because meta-commands (aka dot commands) such as .output are limited in where 
they can appear.

In particular, that are not understood when they appear in the contents of a 
multi-line string as the SQL parameter to sqlite3 .

So, the workaround to this problem in general is this one line bash utility 
which you use as the .SHELL instead of sqlite3:

#!/bin/env bash
### bash1in: A bash utility script which pipes its last argument to a ### 
process gained by executing all but its last argument.  Useful in ### Makefiles 
where you want the recipes to appear on stdin of some ### command other than 
the usual bash shell.  For example, to write ### recipes in sqlite3 (allowing 
dot-commands), include the following in your Makefile:
###     SHELL=./bash1in
###     .SHELLFLAGS=sqlite3 ${DB}
###     .ONESHELL:  # optional
cat <<< "${@:$#}" | "${@:1:$(($# - 1))}"o

Now you can write makefiles like this:

### FILE: - demonstration of using sqlite3 as ### interpreter 
of Make recipes using utility bash script (in same ### directory) `bash1in`.

.SHELLFLAGS=sqlite3 ${DB}

        CREATE TABLE greeting (g string );
        INSERT INTO greeting values("Hello World");
        INSERT INTO greeting values("Hello sqlite3");

        .output $@
        .output $@
        select * from $*;

Which can be run like this:

> make -f DB=db.t
CREATE TABLE greeting (g string );
INSERT INTO greeting values("Hello World"); INSERT INTO greeting values("Hello 
> make -f DB=db.t
select * from greeting;
> cat
Hello World
Hello sqlite3
> make -f DB=db.t db.out.schema
.output db.out.schema
> cat  db.out.schema
CREATE TABLE greeting (g string );

What is nice about this approach is that it works with other interpreters.  
I've used this approach for instance with the R language as the interpreter.

This should fix ya!

Malcolm Cook

-----Original Message-----
From: address@hidden [mailto:address@hidden On Behalf Of Afif Elghraoui
Sent: Monday, May 25, 2015 11:05 PM
To: address@hidden
Subject: Shell for evaluating .SHELLFLAGS

I am trying to use sqlite3 as my Makefile shell. In order to have the query 
outputs go to a file, I need to pass a file in to sqlite using its -i flag. I 
rely on the process substitution feature in bash for the .SHELLFLAGS to provide 
the file:

SHELL=/usr/bin/env sqlite3
.SHELLFLAGS=-init <(echo ".output $@") $(DB)

I get this error:
/bin/sh: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
Makefile:13: recipe for target 'fq' failed

It looks like .SHELLFLAGS is evaluated with /bin/sh regardless of what SHELL is 
set to. Is there any way I could evaluate them with bash?

Many thanks and regards

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