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Re: Make's assumption that files it does not create do not change

From: Renaud Pacalet
Subject: Re: Make's assumption that files it does not create do not change
Date: Wed, 13 Apr 2022 15:39:14 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/91.8.0

On 13/04/2022 15:27, Paul Smith wrote:
On Tue, 2022-04-12 at 14:58 -0700, Kaz Kylheku wrote:
I also somewhat regret implementing the feature because it is
The feature is built on the the implementation of pattern rules,
which already supported multiple targets many years before &:.

Just to mention that these options including &: and just using pattern
rules were discussed in the GitHub issue and the followup comments so
these were known to the folks implementing the change.

I don't really agree that using pattern rules is a sufficient
alternative.  Forcing targets to have a common stem is not always
great.  I for one am happy that this feature exists!

Agreed. I was really expecting this feature. Not only because of the common stem constraint but also because most pattern rules that I was writing just for this grouped target feature were extremely unnatural. It even happened that somebody else decided to "fix" them because I had forgotten to add a big "don't touch" comment.

I am very happy too that this feature exists.
Renaud Pacalet
Télécom Paris
Campus SophiaTech
450 Route des Chappes, CS 50193
06904 Biot Sophia Antipolis cedex, FRANCE
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