On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 3:29 PM, Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso-2 [via Octave]
<[hidden email]> wrote:
On 28 January 2013 07:30, deraltefritz <[hidden email]> wrote:
> I really would like to contribute, but I'm more than confused by the immense
> number of files inside "libinterp", and the non-speaking file names.
Which file names? It should be pretty easy to expand a few filenames
in the comments.
What I meant is that for someone who's interested in adding functionality to Octave, it's appears difficult to understand the big picture without documentation or comments inside the source code.
For instance, there are about 500 files in 8 subfolders of "libinterp", and to me it's not immediately obvious where to start looking when trying to understand how Octave works underneath.
That's not a complaint by the way, and maybe I'm just overseeing some sort of documentation that explains how everything works together, and which files/classes are essential to understand the whole thing ?
All the best,
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