On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 3:21 PM, Michael Goffioul [via Octave]
<[hidden email]> wrote:
On Mon, Jan 28, 2013 at 7:30 AM, deraltefritz <[hidden email]> wrote:
I really would like to contribute, but I'm more than confused by the immense
number of files inside "libinterp", and the non-speaking file names.
Is there any form of documentation how instructions are parsed by Octave?
Or can anyone point me to the relevant files/classes/functions that parse
instructions like "foo = function(bar)" ?
For the record, I'm currently working on adding classdef support for octave, the code is available in the "classdef" branch of octave repository. Support for package folders will be added as part of that work. It's not done yet, but it's among the top items in my TODO list.
Great to hear that !
I'll check out the "classdef" branch, and can provide feedback if (and when) you want. Is there anything I need to pay attention to (for instance, when building)?
No. It should build as the default branch.
What's the current status of classdef support?
At the moment, the following features are supported (non exhaustive):
- classdef file parsing
- handle/value class semantic
- class inheritance
- property/method access with dot-notation
- property/method access restriction (public, protected, private, cell array of classes)
- property accessors
- array of objects
- static methods / constant properties