On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 8:47 AM, sarbjit wrote:
> Thanks Mike for reply. I am convinced about the data. Actually I am new to
> octave, so all of this confusion. If you don't mind I just have one last
> question :- If I use the values from matlab (txy, w), then also I am not
> able to get the exact plot as in Matlab. It is always a straight line. Can
> you please explain this behavior and if there is a way to get the plot as I
> am seeing in Matlab using matlab data (I want to see the spikes).
Just plot without setting the axis ranges, e.g.
plot (W, 20*log10 (abs (txy)))
The autoscaled plot then shows the small variances up close, at least
for me it does. Also "axis tight", read "help axis" for more ways to
set the plot limits.
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