2013/3/20 Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso
On 19 March 2013 16:42, Pantxo Diribarne <
address@hidden> wrote:
> Le 19/03/2013 20:20, Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso a écrit :
>> I can help you with C++, if that's the only thing that prevents you
>> from mentoring a student.
> In fact if I had had the skills
Which skills, C++? I can do the mentoring for that part.
> (and enough spare time)
The upper limit on how much you can spend mentoring per week is 10
hours. Is that too much?
I can't promice I'll have that much spare time during the whole period
> I would have done it myself. That's why I really don't see how I
> could help here.
I don't understand. Because you would have done it yourself, you're
unable to mentor?
Because I am technically unable to do it my self I don't see how I could help someone else do it. I can give the informations I have gathered on the subject, I can help testing, finally I can share my knowledge on octave if the student is a newbye, what else that would take me 10 hours a week?
- Jordi G. H.