On 5/31/13, marco atzeri <
address@hidden> wrote:
> Il 5/31/2013 5:25 AM, Ether Jones ha scritto:
>> Hello.
>> I just installed Octave3.6.4_gcc4.6.2_20130408 to my XP Pro SP3 desktop
>> computer.
>> Everything works fine so far *except*:
>> 1) Every time I start Octave it takes 30 seconds to load and give me a
>> command prompt. Is this normal?
> No. It takes 2 sec on my cygwin .
> Check how many forge packages you are autoloading
I am loading whatever came in the Octave3.6.4_gcc4.6.2_20130408 distro, and nothing else.
>> 2) It takes 90 seconds to load a 2500x2500 matrix. By comparison,
>> SciLab loads the exact same matrix in under 2 seconds. I am using the
>> command N = load("N.dat"). Is there a better way?
> which format ?
A simple whitespace-delimited text file, one row per line
> A text format likely no,
Why not? The file is only 12MB. SciLab loads the exact same text file in under 2 seconds. I can write a simple C
program to read the file from disk into an array in under 1 second. Surely there must be a way to get that file into Octave without having to wait 90 seconds?