From: | Michael Goffioul |
Subject: | Re: Developing a simple UI in Octave |
Date: | Fri, 13 Sep 2013 11:37:50 -0400 |
From: Michael Goffioul [mailto:address@hidden]
Sent: Friday, September 13, 2013 8:58 AM
To: Journeaux, Ian; oCTAVE
Subject: Re: Developing a simple UI in Octave
On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 9:49 AM, Journeaux, Ian <address@hidden> wrote:
From: Michael Goffioul [mailto:address@hidden]
Sent: Friday, September 13, 2013 8:42 AM
To: Journeaux, Ian
Subject: Re: Developing a simple UI in Octave
On Fri, Sep 13, 2013 at 9:31 AM, Journeaux, Ian <address@hidden> wrote:
I am running Octave under windows. I found your GitHub repository for qthandles. Is there an equivalent set of instructions for installation under the windows versions of Octave? I have used the mingw and visualstudio versions of Octave in the past. If I remember correctly you are maintaining the visualstudio version of Octave.
The current version of QtHandles in github doesn't compile with octave-3.6.x, it only compiles with current development branch. An older version of QtHandles is included in octave-3.6.2 for Visual Studio. More recently, I posted binaries for 3.7.2+, but I can't remember whether I included QtHandles in it; though I would say I didn't.
One possibility would be to use the 3.7.2+ binaries, then compile QtHandles from sources using current github version, but that's not trivial (you need to install visual studio and Qt, first). It's possible, though, as I helper someone else to do it a few weeks/months ago.
Alternatively, you could compile octave from default branch with MinGW, using MXE. Then you should be able to compile QtHandles with MinGW as well.
I use Visual Studio regularly so perhaps that would be the approach to use. I guess I would install QT 5.1.1. I also found your 3.7.2+ binaries. Quickly reading a couple of threads on 3.7.2 indicated there might be an issue with the IO package?
IIRC the problem was actually with the windows package. I've produced an update for that one, available at:
Are there a set of steps I can follow to compile up QTHandles?
Note that I've only tested QtHandles with Qt4. I will probably not compile out of the box with Qt5 (headers are different). Otherwise, the process is to use qmake and nmake. However this must be done from a terminal (or command prompt) where visual studio is properly configured and available, and octave is your PATH. What I usually do is to use a MSYS terminal, where visual studio is available: to achieve this, I hacked msys.bat to call vcvarsall.bat before starting bash. Then I compile QtHandles with:
PATH=/where/octave/is/installed/bin:$PATH qmake -recursive
I hope the above doesn't sound like Greek to you, otherwise you'll have a hard time trying to compile QtHandles :).
I guess I don’t know greek as well as I thought <grin>.
I was able to run qmake to build the makefiles. Unfortuantely I get a whole bunch or errors when I run nmake.
I think my path is correct
PATH=C:\Program Files\Caminova\Document Express DjVu Plug-in\;C:\Program Files\M
easurement Computing\DAQ\;C:\Program Files\Intel\iCLS Client\;c:\ORACLE\ORA10G\b
indowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\AspenTech Shared\;C:\Window
s\System32\Windows System Resource Manager\bin;;C:\Windows\idmu\common;C:\Progra
m Files\Intel\WiFi\bin\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Intel\WirelessCommon\;C:\P
rogram Files\Intel\OpenCL SDK\2.0\bin\x86;C:\Program Files\ThinkPad\Bluetooth So
ftware\;C:\Program Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\DAL;C:\Prog
ram Files\Intel\Intel(R) Management Engine Components\IPT;C:\Program Files\Micro
soft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Bi
nn\;C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Co
mmon\Tools\WinNT;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\MSDev98\Bin;C:\
Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\Common\Tools;C:\Program Files\Microsoft Vi
sual Studio\VC98\bin;C:\Software\Octave-3.7.2+\bin;C:\Qt\4.8.5\bin
Here is the list of errors when running nmake? Any thoughts on what I am doing wrong?
'qmake' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Usage: qmake [mode] [options] [files]
QMake has two modes, one mode for generating project files based on
some heuristics, and the other for generating makefiles. Normally you
shouldn't need to specify a mode, as makefile generation is the default
mode for qmake, but you may use this to test qmake on an existing project
-project Put qmake into project file generation mode
In this mode qmake interprets files as files to
be built,
defaults to *.c; *.ui; *.y; *.l; *.ts; *.xlf; *.qrc; *.h; *.hpp
; *.hh; *.hxx; *.cpp; *.cc; *.cxx
Note: The created .pro file probably will
need to be edited. For example add the QT variable to
specify what modules are required.
-makefile Put qmake into makefile generation mode (default)
In this mode qmake interprets files as project files to
be processed, if skipped qmake will try to find a project
file in your current working directory
Warnings Options:
-Wnone Turn off all warnings; specific ones may be re-enabled by
later -W options
-Wall Turn on all warnings
-Wparser Turn on parser warnings
-Wlogic Turn on logic warnings (on by default)
-Wdeprecated Turn on deprecation warnings (on by default)
* You can place any variable assignment in options and it will be *
* processed as if it was in [files]. These assignments will be parsed *
* before [files]. *
-o file Write output to file
-d Increase debug level
-t templ Overrides TEMPLATE as templ
-tp prefix Overrides TEMPLATE so that prefix is prefixed into the value
-help This help
-v Version information
-after All variable assignments after this will be
parsed after [files]
-norecursive Don't do a recursive search
-recursive Do a recursive search
-set <prop> <value> Set persistent property
-unset <prop> Unset persistent property
-query <prop> Query persistent property. Show all if <prop> is empty.
-cache file Use file as cache [makefile mode only]
-spec spec Use spec as QMAKESPEC [makefile mode only]
-nocache Don't use a cache file [makefile mode only]
-nodepend Don't generate dependencies [makefile mode only]
-nomoc Don't generate moc targets [makefile mode only]
-nopwd Don't look for files in pwd [project mode only]
C:\Users\u02304>cd ..
C:\Users>cd ..
C:\>cd C:\QtHandles-master
C:\QtHandles-master>qmake -recursive
Reading C:/QtHandles-master/tool/tool.pro
Reading C:/QtHandles-master/src/src.pro
Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 6.00.8168.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-1998. All rights reserved.
cd tool\ && NMAKE -f Makefile
Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 6.00.8168.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-1998. All rights reserved.
NMAKE -f Makefile.Release
Microsoft (R) Program Maintenance Utility Version 6.00.8168.0
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1988-1998. All rights reserved.
cl -c -nologo -Zm200 -Zc:wchar_t- -IC:\Software\Octave-3.7.2+\include\oc
tave-3.7.2+\octave\.. -IC:\Software\Octave-3.7.2+\include\octave-3.7.2+\octave -
IC:\Software\Octave-3.7.2+\include -Ic:/Software/VC10Libs/include -isystem c:/So
ftware/VC10Libs/include -Ic:/Software/VC10Libs/include/freetype2 -Ic:/Software/V
C10Libs/include -Ic:/Software/VC10Libs/include -O2 -MD -wd4244 -fp:strict -fp:ex
VE_SSE2 -DQT_THREAD_SUPPORT -DNDEBUG -I"..\..\Qt\4.8.5\include\QtCore" -I"..\..\
Qt\4.8.5\include\QtGui" -I"..\..\Qt\4.8.5\include" -I"..\..\Qt\4.8.5\include\Act
iveQt" -I"release" -I"..\..\Qt\4.8.5\mkspecs\default" -Forelease\ @C:\Users\u023
Command line warning D4002 : ignoring unknown option '-Zc'
Command line warning D4002 : ignoring unknown option '-Z:'
Command line warning D4002 : ignoring unknown option '-Zw'
Command line warning D4002 : ignoring unknown option '-Zc'
Command line warning D4002 : ignoring unknown option '-Zh'
Command line warning D4002 : ignoring unknown option '-Zr'
Command line warning D4002 : ignoring unknown option '-Z_'
Command line warning D4002 : ignoring unknown option '-Zt'
Command line warning D4002 : ignoring unknown option '-Z-'
Command line warning D4002 : ignoring unknown option '-isystem'
Command line warning D4002 : ignoring unknown option '-wd4244'
Command line warning D4002 : ignoring unknown option '-fp:strict'
Command line warning D4002 : ignoring unknown option '-fp:except-'
Command line warning D4002 : ignoring unknown option '-MP'
Command line warning D4024 : unrecognized source file type 'c:/Software/VC10Libs
/include', object file assumed
Command line warning D4027 : source file 'c:/Software/VC10Libs/include' ignored
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\utility(81) : error C2146:
syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'iterator_category'
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\utility(84) : see
reference to class template instantiation 'std::iterator_traits<_It>' being comp
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\utility(81) : error C2838:
illegal qualified name in member declaration
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\utility(84) : see
reference to class template instantiation 'std::iterator_traits<_It>' being comp
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\utility(81) : error C2501:
'iterator_category' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\utility(84) : see
reference to class template instantiation 'std::iterator_traits<_It>' being comp
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\utility(82) : error C2146:
syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'value_type'
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\utility(84) : see
reference to class template instantiation 'std::iterator_traits<_It>' being comp
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\utility(82) : error C2838:
illegal qualified name in member declaration
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\utility(84) : see
reference to class template instantiation 'std::iterator_traits<_It>' being comp
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\utility(82) : error C2501:
'value_type' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\utility(84) : see
reference to class template instantiation 'std::iterator_traits<_It>' being comp
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\utility(83) : error C2146:
syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'distance_type'
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\utility(84) : see
reference to class template instantiation 'std::iterator_traits<_It>' being comp
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\utility(83) : error C2838:
illegal qualified name in member declaration
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\utility(84) : see
reference to class template instantiation 'std::iterator_traits<_It>' being comp
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\utility(83) : error C2501:
'distance_type' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\utility(84) : see
reference to class template instantiation 'std::iterator_traits<_It>' being comp
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\utility(226) : error C2974
: 'iterator' : invalid template argument for '_D', type expected
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\utility(71) : see
declaration of 'iterator'
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\utility(279) : see
reference to class template instantiation 'std::istreambuf_iterator<_E,_Tr>' be
ing compiled
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\utility(231) : error C2146
: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'int_type'
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\utility(279) : see
reference to class template instantiation 'std::istreambuf_iterator<_E,_Tr>' be
ing compiled
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\utility(231) : error C2838
: illegal qualified name in member declaration
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\utility(279) : see
reference to class template instantiation 'std::istreambuf_iterator<_E,_Tr>' be
ing compiled
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\utility(231) : error C2501
: 'int_type' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\utility(279) : see
reference to class template instantiation 'std::istreambuf_iterator<_E,_Tr>' be
ing compiled
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\iterator(77) : error C2146
: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'value_type'
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\iterator(92) : see
reference to class template instantiation 'std::back_insert_iterator<_C>' being
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\iterator(77) : error C2838
: illegal qualified name in member declaration
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\iterator(92) : see
reference to class template instantiation 'std::back_insert_iterator<_C>' being
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\iterator(77) : error C2868
: 'value_type' : illegal syntax for using-declaration; expected qualified-name
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\iterator(92) : see
reference to class template instantiation 'std::back_insert_iterator<_C>' being
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\iterator(81) : error C2182
: '<Unknown>' : illegal use of type 'void'
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\iterator(92) : see
reference to class template instantiation 'std::back_insert_iterator<_C>' being
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\iterator(102) : error C214
6: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'value_type'
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\iterator(117) : se
e reference to class template instantiation 'std::front_insert_iterator<_C>' bei
ng compiled
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\iterator(102) : error C283
8: illegal qualified name in member declaration
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\iterator(117) : se
e reference to class template instantiation 'std::front_insert_iterator<_C>' bei
ng compiled
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\iterator(102) : error C286
8: 'value_type' : illegal syntax for using-declaration; expected qualified-name
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\iterator(117) : se
e reference to class template instantiation 'std::front_insert_iterator<_C>' bei
ng compiled
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\iterator(106) : error C218
2: '<Unknown>' : illegal use of type 'void'
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\iterator(117) : se
e reference to class template instantiation 'std::front_insert_iterator<_C>' bei
ng compiled
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\iterator(127) : error C214
6: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'value_type'
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\iterator(144) : se
e reference to class template instantiation 'std::insert_iterator<_C>' being com
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\iterator(127) : error C283
8: illegal qualified name in member declaration
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\iterator(144) : se
e reference to class template instantiation 'std::insert_iterator<_C>' being com
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\iterator(127) : error C286
8: 'value_type' : illegal syntax for using-declaration; expected qualified-name
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\iterator(144) : se
e reference to class template instantiation 'std::insert_iterator<_C>' being com
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\iterator(128) : error C262
9: unexpected 'class std::insert_iterator<_C> ('
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\iterator(144) : se
e reference to class template instantiation 'std::insert_iterator<_C>' being com
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\iterator(128) : error C233
4: unexpected token(s) preceding ':'; skipping apparent function body
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\iterator(144) : se
e reference to class template instantiation 'std::insert_iterator<_C>' being com
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\iterator(131) : error C218
2: '<Unknown>' : illegal use of type 'void'
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\iterator(144) : se
e reference to class template instantiation 'std::insert_iterator<_C>' being com
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\iterator(143) : error C214
6: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'iter'
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\iterator(144) : se
e reference to class template instantiation 'std::insert_iterator<_C>' being com
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\iterator(143) : error C250
1: 'iter' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\include\iterator(144) : se
e reference to class template instantiation 'std::insert_iterator<_C>' being com
..\..\Qt\4.8.5\include\QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h(2135) : error C
2989: 'QTypeInfo<class ?? ::T *>' : template class has already been defined as a
non-template class
..\..\Qt\4.8.5\include\QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h(2135) : error C
2906: C++ language change: to explicitly specialize class template 'QTypeInfo' u
se the following syntax -
template<> class QTypeInfo<class ?? ::`template-parameter-257' *> ...
..\..\Qt\4.8.5\include\QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h(2135) : error C
2988: unrecognizable template declaration/definition
..\..\Qt\4.8.5\include\QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h(2389) : error C
2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'i'
..\..\Qt\4.8.5\include\QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h(2391) :
see reference to class template instantiation 'QForeachContainer<T>' being comp
..\..\Qt\4.8.5\include\QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h(2389) : error C
2501: 'i' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
..\..\Qt\4.8.5\include\QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h(2391) :
see reference to class template instantiation 'QForeachContainer<T>' being comp
..\..\Qt\4.8.5\include\QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h(2389) : error C
2501: 'e' : missing storage-class or type specifiers
..\..\Qt\4.8.5\include\QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h(2391) :
see reference to class template instantiation 'QForeachContainer<T>' being comp
..\..\Qt\4.8.5\include\QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h(2457) : error C
2146: syntax error : missing ';' before identifier 'qGetPtrHelper'
..\..\Qt\4.8.5\include\QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h(2457) : error C
2433: 'pointer' : 'inline' not permitted on data declarations
..\..\Qt\4.8.5\include\QtCore/../../src/corelib/global/qglobal.h(2457) : fatal e
rror C1903: unable to recover from previous error(s); stopping compilation
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'cl' : return code '0x2'
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: '"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\bin\N
MAKE.EXE"' : return code '0x2'
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