My application is Linear Discriminant Analysis.
The documentation seems to remind one of syntax rather than document functionality. Is there something more detailed? Maybe some examples exist?
I searched the mailing list but didn't get any hits.
Some things I didn't get from the documentation:
1. train_sc has a 'mode' and test_sc has a 'type'; and the options for these are listed, and they seem to be linked, however it is not clear (at least to me) which 'mode's and which 'type's go or don't go together.
2. The 'mode' for test_sc has various LDA options, LD2, LDA, LD3, etc but the differences are not documented, rather hints are given. For instance, LD2 refers to LDBC2 and a textbook by Duda, but a search in Duda finds nothing related to LDBC2.
3. The train_sc returns a cluster of matrices (CC) which is not documented at all other than to say it contains "model parameters of a classifier which can be applied to test data using test_sc". Listing the CC variable shows that matrices CC.MD, CC.NN and CC.weights exist but nothing else.
Thank you!