ubuntu 16.04 octave 4.0.3 graphics toolkit qt
With a moderate sized plot, when I try:
>> print("temp.tex", "-depslatexstandalone")
GL2PS info: OpenGL feedback buffer overflow
GL2PS info: OpenGL feedback buffer overflow
GL2PS info: OpenGL feedback buffer overflow
GL2PS info: OpenGL feedback buffer overflow
GL2PS info: OpenGL feedback buffer overflow
GL2PS info: OpenGL feedback buffer overflow
The resulting temp-inc.eps appears OK, but the temp.tex is corrupt.
>> graphics_toolkit("gnuplot")
>> close all
>> setenv("GNUTERM", "qt")
>> set(0, 'DefaultAxesFontname', 'Times New Roman')
>> set(0, 'DefaultTextFontname', 'Times New Roman')
>> edgesigofmf %%(makes the plot)
>> print("temp.pdf", "-dpdfcairo", "-FTimes New Roman:18")
get around the GL2PS error, but then hidden lines don't work
Should this be reported as a bug?