Thank you for your response ,
yes I do understand,
but I did already "UniformOutput", false
The problem is the function, as I want to apply a function which needs more
than just the matrix from the cell x{1,1} (for the first cell), no I need
furthermore the data which are stored in x{3,1} (for the first cell). And
It seems that I cannot index the matrix. I just dont know what cellfunction
does with the cell.. I mean if I do @mean or @(x) x-1 i could basicly do
mean(cell2mat(x)) and it's done! But if i have a {1,3} cell array in which
{1,1} is a matrix of let's say 300X300X300 and {1,2} is a 1X12 array, and
{1,3} is a an 200,120 array what happens then. but that is exactly what i
want to do I want to applay a function to {1:end,1} with individual datas
stored in {1:end,3}. And idon't want to loop because it's incredible slow.
It takes about 20 min looping over this cell and I have several hundreds of
them. So I want to find another solution.
function [y]= doit(x)
idxl=x(1,1)(:,:,1)>x(3,1)(7)+0.3 | x(1,1)(:,:,1)<x(3,7)-0.3
x(1,1)(:,:,2)>x(1,3)(6)+0.3 | x(1,1)(:,:,2)<x(1,3)(6)-0.3 ...
&x(1,1)(:,:,3)>x(1,3)(8)+0.3 | x(1,1)(:,:,3)<x(1,3)(8)-0.3;
pointselection = cellfun(@doit, x ,"UniformOutput" ,false );
On 2017-05-11 22:11, Juan Pablo Carbajal wrote:
On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 9:41 PM, BOKU
<address@hidden> wrote:
I would to apply a function to a 3x371 cell array
so my question would if there is a solution to the following
for i=1:numel(values) ####### wrapping elements
to get access in cellfunktion
####### because cellfunction does just deliver the cellaray
wrapobj{1,i}=foundimfilt{i}; ####### I hoped that it will
deliver the 3x1 cell
function [pointsel]= similarpoints(f)
idxl=f(1,1)(:,:,1)>f(3,1)(7)+0.3 | f(1,1)(:,:,1)<f(3,7)-0.3&
f(1,1)(:,:,2)>f(1,3)(6)+0.3 | f(1,1)(:,:,2)<f(1,3)(6)-0.3 ... ####### so
that i can access the data in the &f(1,1)(:,:,3)>f(1,3)(8)+0.3 |
f(1,1)(:,:,3)<f(1,3)(8)-0.3; ####### function
pointselection = cellfun(@similarpoints, wrapobj,"UniformOutput" ,false );
############ but unfortunately it seems that i don't
get the full cell
error: f(7): out of bound 1
error: called from
similarpoints at line 3 column 10
is there a solution for the indexing or the delivering the needed
informations for the function. Basicly i want to apply an individual filter
to every cell and I need the information stored in wrapobj{3,i} to apply it
on the matrix stored in wrapobj{1,i}!
wrapobj is a 3x371 cell array.
i would appreciate any help on this
cheers chris
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cellfun respects the size of the input, that is
c = {1,4,7,10;2,5,8,11;3,6,9,12};
f=@(x) x-1;
cp = cellfun (f,c)
cp =
0 3 6 9
1 4 7 10
2 5 8 11
If you input is a 3x371 cell, then the output of cellfun will be a
cell of the same size. If the output of the function you evaluate on
each cell element is an array or cell, then you should tell cellfun
that 'UniformOutput' is false, e.g.
f=@(x) linspace(1,x,3);
cp = cellfun (f,c,'UniformOutput', false);
whos cp
Variables in the current scope:
Attr Name Size Bytes Class
==== ==== ==== ===== =====
cp 3x4 288 cell
Total is 12 elements using 288 bytes