I'm trying to build hdf5 support in Octave, building 4.4.1 from source. The
documentation says hdf5 support is enabled by default, without being
specific as to whether that support exists only in the form of the octave
load -hdf5 and save -hdf5 commands. Meanwhile, hdf5oct package promises
implementations of h5create and h5write. That package builds in my octave
4.4.1 with pkg install, and then with autoload from the .oct file I can get
h5create to show up with a help command, but when I try to use it I get the
message "error: h5create: support for HDF5 IO was unavailable or disabled
when Octave was built". OK, so maybe the hdf5 has to be configured in the
octave build. For this I used --with-hdf5-libdir="/usr/local/hdf5/lib"
--with-hdf5-includedir="/usr/local/hdf5/include" in the configure command.
Still no luck though with h5create from the hdf5oct package. Although the
internet is littered with hundreds of references to hdf5, hdf5oct, and
octave, I can't seem to put the pieces together. Any thoughts appreciated!