On Thu, Nov 15, 2018 at 12:57 PM Michael Martins <
address@hidden> wrote:
Am 15.11.18 um 12:08 schrieb jb:
> Yes that's the one, it has been available there on github for a few years and
> people have evidently been using it. I'm not aware of any similar package on
> octave forge. I'm not even assuming hdf5oct will definitely work, because it
> hasn't been updated in a while. But I'n not able to get to the point of
> finding out, because it seems to be octave that is creating the error in my
> case.
I am using this package for some time and it is working for me. At least
the function I am using.
It would be very nice, if this package could be added some how to octave
forge, as in my opinion this is a very important package, hdf5 is a very
popular data format. Unfortunately, many hdf5 files are much too large
to read it just by the "load -hdf5" command.
|\ /| PD Dr. Michael Martins, Universitaet Hamburg
| \/ | Institut fuer Experimentalphysik Tel.: +49-40-8998-3121
| |\/| Luruper Chaussee 149
| | | D-22761 Hamburg Email: address@hidden
@Michael Martins: What version of Octave do you use for "hdf5oct"? I did not get it to work with 4.4.1 either. So I proposed the following PR for them [1] maybe you can test it. The major problem is, that [1] tmullins/hdf5oct does not check itself for the existence of HDF5 development libraries (using autotools) and queries the "HAVE_HDF5" and "HAVE_HDF5_18" defines, that are not exposed to package builds in "octave-config.h" since 4.4 as far as I know.
@jb: If you want to take advantage of [1], just replace h5read.cc by my modified version [2]. Run "make" and "make install", then you can use it from Octave with "pkg load hdf5oct". But be warned, the attached test "h5test." does not finish without errors, see [1] for details.
Alternatively, there is a pending patch on the tracker [3]. If you jb compile from source anyway, you might want to include this patch as well?