Hello there,
I would like to publish a script to html using the publishing function.
I have two userinterfaces in my script. In the first GUI you can choose the
machine and in the second GUI
you have multiple plotting options ( for e.g. time vs. speed or time vs.
torque ).
I would like to publish the script including all the plots.
The problem is that the funcion publish('filename') only creates a html
including the current figure.
Is it possible to publish the skript to a html that includes several plots ?
I´m new to programming so I would be grateful for detailed instructions.
Sent from: http://octave.1599824.n4.nabble.com/Octave-General-f1599825.html
Was it possible to provide a minimal example of the script you would like to publish? This would help me a lot to get a better understanding of the problem.
A generic trick is to call "figure" when starting a new plot.
In contrast to MATLAB, Octaves implementation of publish has problems when creating plots over multiple code sections, interrupted by text markup. For example try to avoid something like this:
% Plot a sine
figure ();
plot (0:.2:2*pi, sin(0:.2:2*pi));
% and label it
title ("A sine plot");