Hi Kai,
thanks a lot for your help !
My target is to create a condition monitoring report.
The company I work for produces machines for foilproduction and I´d like to
create a html-report
including the most important diagrams.
So for eg.: I get the data from one customer than run the script and get my
After that I can load the data of a different customer, run the script and
again get my report with the
most important diagrams like time vs. speed or time vs. torque...
I use more of the publishing markup in the real script. I also thought about
using the print command but
I don´t know how to include the created pngs in the html.
So basically I need a way to publish the script including all the plots not
only the last one opened.
Alright, I think to understand the situation better now. First, if you are using Octave 4.4.1, I suggest to replace the publish.m file by the latest version [1], which will run in 4.4.1 perfectly.
You find the current location of publish by typing "which publish" and then replace that file with [1]. I overhauled that file recently and works more reliable now.
Then you have to modify the script to be publish, such that the following conditions are met:
1) All relevant actions for a particular plot have to happen within a single code cell. They may not be split by text sections "%%"
2) If you generate multiple plots within a single code cell (for example by a loop), make sure, that in a script all of those plots are kept open. Use figure() to create a new plot window.
3) You should not call publish at the end of the script. There is a danger of recursive calls.
I hope to present a minimal example with the attached file pub_tst.m. Note that is is also allowed to call other scripts or functions from each code cell, so don't be too focused on just a single script to publish. Call proper subroutines or functions to help you with the export.