I have a script which I wrote in Matlab and tested it in Octave to, but there I saw that the program takes in Octave much longer than in Matlab R2018a. I have some matrix multiplications in some classes and a few loops but don't understand from where the duration difference come.
Was made with fA = 200 (matlab R2018a needs 0.6s).
main: 1 calls, 4.979 total, 0.403 self
1) @SystemSimulation/simulate: 1 calls, 2.906 total, 1.522 self
2) @MahonyComplementaryFilter/update: 4000 calls, 1.289 total, 1.135 self
3) @MahonyComplementaryFilter/eulerAngles: 4000 calls, 0.325 total, 0.112 self
4) rad2deg: 4001 calls, 0.040 total, 0.028 self
5) addpath: 4 calls, 0.013 total, 0.013 self
6) binary *: 19 calls, 0.001 total, 0.001 self
7) sin: 3 calls, 0.000 total, 0.000 self
8) close: 1 calls, 0.000 total, 0.000 self
9) @SystemSimulation: 1 calls, 0.000 total, 0.000 self
10) zeros: 4 calls, 0.000 total, 0.000 self
11) @MahonyComplementaryFilter: 1 calls, 0.000 total, 0.000 self
12) clear: 1 calls, 0.000 total, 0.000 self
13) toc: 2 calls, 0.000 total, 0.000 self
14) clc: 1 calls, 0.000 total, 0.000 self
15) Evaluation: 1 calls, 0.000 total, 0.000 self
16) display: 1 calls, 0.000 total, 0.000 self
17) struct: 1 calls, 0.000 total, 0.000 self
18) pi: 3 calls, 0.000 total, 0.000 self
19) ones: 2 calls, 0.000 total, 0.000 self
20) binary /: 6 calls, 0.000 total, 0.000 self
21) ceil: 1 calls, 0.000 total, 0.000 self
22) tic: 1 calls, 0.000 total, 0.000 self
profexplore> 1
main: 1 calls, 4.979 total, 0.403 self
@SystemSimulation/simulate: 1 calls, 2.906 total, 1.522 self
1) @SystemSimulation/rotate_from_earth_to_body_frame: 5778 calls, 1.237 total, 1.088 self
2) randn: 9880 calls, 0.090 total, 0.090 self
3) binary +: 29878 calls, 0.018 total, 0.018 self
4) binary *: 16386 calls, 0.012 total, 0.012 self
5) binary -: 37833 calls, 0.011 total, 0.011 self
6) binary .*: 9494 calls, 0.009 total, 0.009 self
7) binary <: 16000 calls, 0.005 total, 0.005 self
8) binary >: 10032 calls, 0.002 total, 0.002 self
9) zeros: 8 calls, 0.000 total, 0.000 self
10) @SystemSimulation/magentic_field: 1 calls, 0.000 total, 0.000 self
11) ones: 1 calls, 0.000 total, 0.000 self
12) length: 1 calls, 0.000 total, 0.000 self
13) prefix -: 1 calls, 0.000 total, 0.000 self
profexplore> 1
main: 1 calls, 4.979 total, 0.403 self
@SystemSimulation/simulate: 1 calls, 2.906 total, 1.522 self
@SystemSimulation/rotate_from_earth_to_body_frame: 5778 calls, 1.237 total, 1.088 self
1) sin: 86670 calls, 0.057 total, 0.057 self
2) cos: 80892 calls, 0.051 total, 0.051 self
3) binary *: 98226 calls, 0.032 total, 0.032 self
4) prefix -: 5778 calls, 0.004 total, 0.004 self
5) binary +: 11556 calls, 0.002 total, 0.002 self
6) binary -: 11556 calls, 0.002 total, 0.002 self