sorry that I'm asking again, but on the last mail I didn't get a response.
I have a script which I wrote in Matlab and tested it in Octave to, but there I saw that the program takes in Octave much longer than in Matlab R2018a. I have some matrix multiplications in some classes and a few loops but don't understand from where the duration difference come.
You got unrecognized responses [1,2]. khalil2535 and I pointed out, that you cannot hope to get for-loops with expensive computations (without JIT) to work with Octave in a reasonable time. You need to implement in Matlab/Octave language, that is vectorization.
One for-loop example (System/SystemSimulation.m, line 90, "% calculate position and velocity") I already showed in [2] what do do. Replace that for-loop with
i = 2:nrTime;
v_i(:, i) = a_i(:, i) * obj.sampleTime; % euler integrator
v_i = cumsum (v_i, 2);
p_i(:, i) = v_i(:, i) * obj.sampleTime; % euler integrator
p_i = cumsum (p_i, 2);
Then already Matlab takes advantage of implementing code in Matlab language ;-)
--- main.m without vectorization in Matlab R2018b ---
Start simulation
Data evaluation
Warning: mahonyComplementaryFilter Not implemented
> In Evaluation (line 110)
In main (line 260)
Elapsed time is 13.224820 seconds.
--- main.m WITH mentioned vectorization in Matlab R2018b ---
Start simulation
Data evaluation
Warning: mahonyComplementaryFilter Not implemented
> In Evaluation (line 110)
In main (line 260)
Elapsed time is 10.892137 seconds.
This is the path to go to with the remaining for-loops to get the script to work in Octave and Matlab. It requires some programming/vectorization skills, but the effort is manageable.