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Re: oct2xls write symbols and Non - standard ascii letters
From: |
PhilipNienhuis |
Subject: |
Re: oct2xls write symbols and Non - standard ascii letters |
Date: |
Thu, 23 May 2019 16:22:47 -0500 (CDT) |
Karin wrote
> Hi!
> I am new to octave, but used to MATLAB. From another program I have
> results.
> With this I do some maths with octave without problems. For a nicer form
> in
> my report, I want to write these results to a EXCEL worksheet. In MATLAB I
> can write units like mikrogramm per cubicmeter with a greek letter for
> 'mikro' and the 'cubic' after m a "3" as a superscript to an EXCEl
> Worksheet
> without problems as long as a variable contains these characters.
> This script runs with octave without an error:
> file_name='test1.xlsx';
> xls=xlsopen(file_name,1);
> A=cell(2,5);
> A(1,:)={'Spalte1','Spalte2/','µg/m³','Spalte4','test'};
> A(2,1)=1;
> A(2,2)=2;
> A(2,3)=3;
> A(2,4)=4;
> A(2,5)=5;
> crange='A5:E6';
> wsh='Tab_1';
> [xls, rstatus] = oct2xls (A, xls, wsh, crange);
> xls = xlsclose (xls);
> but if I try to open the file test1.xlsx EXCEL wants to repair the file
> and
> comes back with this error:
> Entfernter Teil: /xl/sharedStrings.xml-Part mit XML-Fehler.
> (Zeichenfolgen)
> Ungültiges xml-Zeichen. Zeile 2, Spalte 260.
> Entfernte Datensätze: Zellinformationen von /xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml-Part
> (sorry for german: "Ungültig" means invalid, "Zeichen" means character)
> What shall I do to run it properly?
Maybe file a bug report. After June, 3 I'll have time to look into it.
BTW, which spreadsheet interface do you use? what does
chk-spreadsheet_support ()
I suppose you use the native code interface(OCT) I wonder what the Java
based interfaces would do.
As for the COM interface (that uses Excel itself w/o much data manipulation
in between) I get what is shown in the attached picture: no superscript.
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