Originally I did it in windows platform following instructions from
and It worked out.
I type mkoctfile --mex rainflow.c and the rainflow.mex is created. The I run the macro and everything worked out.
I just copy all files to Ubuntu and run the same macro as in windows. In this way it did not work.
So I typed again mkoctfile --mex rainflow.c inside OCATVE under Ubuntu platform and now it seems to be that the macro works.
I have to say that I am structural analyst either informatic or software engineer. No large experience (almost nothing) with Linux and I was a bit “lost”. My aim is just rainflow methodology under
parallell process (parallel package works only in Linux)
Thanks for the support.
De: Przemek Klosowski
Enviado el: miƩrcoles, 22 de mayo de 2019 15:52
Para: Jon Morgaetxebarria Aurrekoet
Asunto: Re: ubuntul(linux)-OCTAVE error mex files
On 5/22/19 4:51 AM, Jon Morgaetxebarria Aurrekoet wrote:
Hello community,
I am running octave version 4.2.2 .
An error saying “failed to load: /home/adminada/jmorga/octave/rainflow.mex: invalid ELF header”
I have looking for information in internet. A lot of information but not exactly what I am looking for. Any help?
describes the steps to compile this function by running the mkoctfile command. Did you do these steps? were there any error messages? Please describe what is your system (OS and octave version) and what you did, and what happened.
Awesome---I'm glad it worked for you. Could you please send this to the Octave help list? It may help someone else in a similar situation to yours.