I'm not sure what format you are pulling in but if your tabular data can be read as a text file try this.
x = textread('new.txt','%s','delimiter','\t')
x =
[1,1] = some data
[2,1] = 2,3,4,5,6
[3,1] = other data
new.txt was just a single line of text in notepad "some data (TAB) 2,3,4,5,6 (TAB) other data"
You can then use textscan on individual cells to further
deliminate your data.
y = textscan(x{2}, '%s', 'delimiter',','); y = y{1}
y =
[1,1] = 2
[2,1] = 3
[3,1] = 4
[4,1] = 5
[5,1] = 6
then store it in another format (like double)
for istep = 1:length(y) ynum(istep) = str2double(y{istep}); endfor
However, it's computationally heavy to reformat your data line by line like in a for loop so if you have to do a lot of data I would recommend using textread and textscan to deliminate your headers search your headers for the row and columns that you want to analyze then use dlmread to pull in the numerical data.