Using single quotes (without $) was all I needed to change to get the degree symbol to appear. Thank you!
Now I'm wondering why using single vs. double quotes makes a difference... what's important, though, is that it works.
...Actually, I may have written that prematurely. Although I can get the degree symbol, I still can't get the angstrom symbol. \AA and \r{A} were suggested but neither worked. Any ideas why not?
After a lot of trials I found this that works
set (0, "defaultaxesfontname", "Helvetica")
set (0, "defaultaxesfontsize", 28)
set (0, "defaulttextfontname", "Helvetica")
set (0, "defaulttextfontsize", 28)
z=[char(195) char(133)]
I am not sure if you need all of this or just part of it.
On Sat, Sep 21, 2019 at 8:57 PM Dmitri A. Sergatskov <
address@hidden> wrote:
On Sat, Sep 21, 2019 at 7:39 PM Brett Green <address@hidden> wrote:
> The title says it all. I've tried copying and pasting the character (the obvious attempt) with no success, and have read several solutions using TeX interpreters such as this but those don't seem to work for me. Looking at the documentation < > I can't even get the degree symbol to show up - trying both of the following
> >> title("\deg","interpreter","tex")
> >> title("$\deg$","interpreter","tex")
> just gives me titles of "deg" and "$deg$", respectively. I'm running 5.1.0 on Windows 10.
Cut and paste seems to work on linux (at least on my machine). If it
is an issue with the
deficient Windows rterminal, you can try to write an m- file and
execute it instead of entering
it iinteeractively.
Also with TeX you should do single quotes and no "$" signs:
title('\deg ',"interpreter","tex")
should work (it soes on my machine).
> - Brett Green