Thank you all very much!
Doug, your solution worked for me. This is a great relief - thank you!
Dmitri, thank you for the informative explanation and good questions. When I cut and paste "Å" into Octave, nothing appears in the terminal. If I run from a .m file with the character
in the title, it instead prints "Ã..." where "Å" should be.
Doug, how did you find out that
[char(195) char(133)] was the combination you needed? According to the ASCII table I looked up, those two are ├ à. I realized I also need an em dash which would be ASCII character 196, but Octave crashes whenever I try to plot something with char(196) in it.
This isn't as important because I can work around it (since the regular minus is only too small if I use e^{-qd} instead of exp(-qd) - i.e. by writing things without subscripting) but would be nice if there's a simple explanation. If it's not an easy fix, though, don't trouble yourself with it. I appreciate all that you've done already!