Hello again,
I am using a Lenovo Yoga C940. I'm running windows 10 and my display is the recommended 3840x2160. My question regards the icons in the GUI display as well as the axis label and titles on figures. They extremely small and too the point of almost not visible. I changed the toolbar icons settings to large but that still didn't seem to help much. I couldn't find any other options to adjust those parameters. On some matlab forums, there are some posts to account for High DPI with an option of "Override high DPI scaling behavior, scalling performed by:" Is there anything similar to that that would help my situation?
Pictures of my display are attached. Thanks for the help,
For the plot elements, you can change size with calls like this:
close all
ha = axes();
hp = plot((1:1:5)+3*rand(1,5))
xlabel("x axis")
title("Hello there")
Try different numbers until you find a size that works for you. Here are more complete lists of
axis properties and
line properties. The former are used for the labels and the latter for the plotted data.
I hope someone else can offer suggestions for the GUI icons.