Hi there,
I noticed that the Octave Forge 'Statistics' package currently doesn't have Matlab's bootci function for calculating bootstrap confidence intervals. I wrote a bootstrap confidence interval function compatible with Octave/Matlab called ibootci.m, which is available on GitHub
From a user perspective it has much the same syntax as Matlab's bootci function but has extended capabilities (double bootstrap) and functionality (some support for complicated dependence structures). I can provide this for the statistics package along with a wrapper function called bootci that includes the option to calculate BCa intervals has features strictly only available in Matlab's bootci.
Interested? This is my first time interacting with this mailing list so I'm not that familiar with the process of contributing.
Andrew Penn
Sussex Neuroscience
School of Life Sciences
University of Sussex
Brighton BN1 9QG
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1273 877049