On Thursday, 23 April 2020, Kai Torben Ohlhus <
address@hidden> wrote:
On 4/21/20 1:27 PM, address@hidden wrote:
> Hi,
> I just installed Octave on a fresh install of Ubuntu (bionic), following
> the instructions in:
> https://wiki.octave.org/Octave_for_Debian_systems .
> I should have stopped with the binaries, but mistakenly plunged ahead
> and also installed the dependencies, because I forgot I was just going
> to use Octave rather than build it. Again I followed instructions in the
> above web page:
> * *Ubuntu 18.04 (LTS)*
> sudo apt-get install gcc g++ gfortran make libblas-dev liblapack-dev
> libpcre3-dev libarpack2-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev epstool libfftw3-dev
> transfig libfltk1.3-dev libfontconfig1-dev libfreetype6-dev
> libgl2ps-dev libglpk-dev libreadline-dev gnuplot-x11
> libgraphicsmagick++1-dev libhdf5-serial-dev openjdk-8-jdk
> libsndfile1-dev llvm-dev lpr texinfo libgl1-mesa-dev libosmesa6-dev
> pstoedit portaudio19-dev libqhull-dev libqrupdate-dev
> libqscintilla2-dev libsuitesparse-dev texlive
> texlive-generic-recommended libxft-dev zlib1g-dev autoconf automake
> bison flex gperf gzip icoutils librsvg2-bin libtool perl rsync tar
> qtbase5-dev qttools5-dev qttools5-dev-tools libqscintilla2-qt5-dev
> So now I have a lot of extra stuff I'm not planning to use. What's the
> best way to remove all of this without harming the Ubuntu
> build-essentials or the executable Octave software itself? Or is it best
> to leave it as-is?
> Thanks in advance,
> Doug MacDonald
In general, it should not harm to have those extra packages installed and the required disk space should neither overwhelm a standard desktop or laptop.
Maybe you can make use of "/var/log/apt/history.log" to identify those packages [1]?
I have often thought Octave should have a "redistributable" that can be sent to people who don't need or want to run Octave but simply want to use an application that uses Octave.
This can be accomplished with Matlab by compiling the application code and sharing it (although accompanied by a fairly large redistributable runtime library I believe).
Cheers... Ian