From: "Andrew Janke" <address@hidden>
To: "Nicholas Jankowski" <address@hidden>
Cc: "Ian McCallion" <address@hidden>, "Kai Torben Ohlhus" <address@hidden>, address@hidden, address@hidden, "Doug MacDonald" <address@hidden>
Sent: Friday, April 24, 2020 3:16:35 PM
Subject: Re: Roll back octave package dependencies?
On 4/24/20 9:51 AM, Nicholas Jankowski
Something more akin to
"frozen" Python applications might be more
appropriate for Octave. But that would be a big install,
too: We're sort
of doing that for (sans the hypothetical user's
application code), and once you pull in all Octave's
dependencies, it's
a 2-3 GB install.
what are the biggest pieces of that? since you
mentioned Python, I'm reminded that Octaves'
symbolic package has a Python/Sympy bundled package that
comes in at under 20MB. I don't know how much they had to
throw away to make that bundle-able version, but I'm
guessing something like that is what Iam may have had in
I've attached a full list of the packages included in
Here are the biggest ones:
[Cellar] $ du -s * | sort -rn
1198944 rust
792704 qt-octave-app
606248 openjdk@11
599192 gcc
284624 python
246816 openblas
171336 ghostscript
154808 cmake
143280 icu4c
73504 librsvg
72616 x265
58064 suite-sparse
56944 imagemagick
48696 gettext
33112 glib
31344 hdf5
30504 fftw
Several of these are part of the build toolchain. (Rust? What do we
even use that for?) For a runtime-only Octave, as long as you were
willing to give up the ability to build oct-files, I think you could
strip out rust, gcc, cmake, saving you close to 1 GB. 600 MB more if
you wanted to give up Java support.
Looks like rust is just a build-time-only dependency of librsvg. I
should probably be stripping that out of in the first
So maybe there's only about 350 MB of savings to be had by stripping
out gcc and cmake, since rust shouldn't be included in the first
place. Dunno if that's worth giving up the ability to build