On 4/21/20 2:46 AM, Maria Jose Casas Serrano wrote:
It’s the first time I’m trying to parallelise some code and I’m stuck in
a basic concept that I hope someone could help me with.
First, I’ll try to explain what my code is about. I’m doing Evolutionary
Computation and I have a large population of elements that represent the
genomes of modelled plants. This population should be evaluated by a
fitness function and then, some of the elements will evolve depending on
the probabilities of some genetic operators.
The bottleneck happens when evaluating them so, I thought that I could
parallelise that part of the code.
However in the “inputparam2” and “inputparam3” parameters, the
evaluationParallel function is receinving the second and third elements
of the population.
Do you know what I am doing wrong? Perhaps I misunderstood the
parallelisation concept but I thought I could apply it in a piece of
code meanwhile there weren’t dependencies with the rest of the process.
Thanks in advance
Maria J
Unfortunately, I have some trouble running your code. It requires
octave-slf4o [1]. It would be nice to reduce it to simple "fprintf"
statements to avoid potential helpers to install dependencies
unnecessary for the problem. Additionally, can you attach your code as
fully self-contained m-files, rather than pasting it into the email.
The code for generating "P" would also be nicer than a display of the
cell array. Otherwise, I have to do the work to construct that cell
array myself.