Used buil-in-editor to create same code – on running I had the same issue . When I open the file ami.m I see the expected code . I have uninstalled octave and reinstalled it again ( octave 5.2.0 -w64-installer.exe) still no change
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So just to be clear, you have used both notepad++ and the built-in Octave editor to create the same file, and get the same non-ascii output from _both_ programs? But only after saving the file? And if you open the same file in both programs you see the expected code not the garbage characters I saw?
For notepad++, are you using the version that comes with Octave or do you have another version installed?
If it does the same in both Notepad++ and also the Octave Editor, what happens if you try saving it in another program like the Windows Notepad text editor? What happens when Octave tries to run it? What do you see if you open a file saved in Octave's editor in Windows Notepad?
Within Octave, also confirming: if you type the text, save it, and press F5 to run it, do you get the same error?
Are you using any non-default Windows Language or Keyboard settings?