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[help-texinfo] Cygwin problems

From: Tarpley Kristin
Subject: [help-texinfo] Cygwin problems
Date: Thu, 5 Feb 2004 18:04:17 -0800 (PST)

I loaded Cygwin from a CD my teacher at school burned.  He printed out a copy of the setup instructions so that I knew which files to load.  On the bottom of the printout, he included some instructions that have messed up my program.  I was hoping you could help me troubleshoot them, as my teacher has no idea what is wrong.  Here is a copy of the instructions:
After installation is complete:
--Open Cygwin; at the prompt ($) type in the following:
$cd (press enter)
$cat <<EOF>.vimrc (press enter)
> set nocompatible (press enter)
> source \$VIMRUNTIME/vimrc_example.vim (press enter)
> EOF (press enter)
$ vim .vimrc (press enter)
(press enter) (shift :) to take you to command mode.  The cursor moves to the bottom of the page.  At the prompt (:), type
: set ff=unix (press enter) (shift :) at the prompt (:) type
: wq (press enter)
--------ALL DONE--------
When I enter vim .vimrc, this is the message I get:
Error detected while processing /home/Kristin/.vimrc:
line 1:
E488 Trailing characters: nocompatible^M
line 2:
E484: Can't open file /usr/share/vim/vim62/vimrc_example.vim^M
I have checked this folder, and vimrc_example.vim has the same pathname as shown above.  I erased and reloaded the whole program in case I made a mistake the first time, but it did not fix the problem.  Please let me know if you can help or if you need any more information. 
Thank you!!
Kristin Tarpley

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