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Re: Problem with heading appearing on new chapter page

From: Sebastian Urban
Subject: Re: Problem with heading appearing on new chapter page
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2020 17:51:34 +0200
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Alright, after some more looking into it, I have to admit, that the
observation I made was quite wrong.  I wrote:

I have problem with heading appearing on (new) chapters pages, but
only if there are sections present (...) a heading with chapter
(left-hand pages) or section (right-hand pages) will appear.  (...)
When there is just text, heading has only page number.

Well, there was no heading (except for page number) for new chapters
on right-hand pages (the pages with "@thissection), because they
happen to not have sections on this page, so nothing to print - and
this was root of my misunderstanding.  For chapters on left-hand pages
(pages with "@thischapter") there was always a "chapter", so there was
something to print.

So, you were right when you wrote: "This seems to be functioning as

But because I would like to remove headings (any kind, except page
numbers - I can live with them) from new chapter page, this doesn't
solve my issue.

>> Also, when I use:
>> - "@setchapternewpage odd" (before "titlepage") it DOESN'T happen,
> Are you sure?

Pretty much, except when I used it, I didn't add "@headings off,
@evenheading ..., @oddheading ...".  So, you would have to remove them
from your example.

This option gives me what I want, even though it has "@thischapter" on
right-hand page.  But because it forces new chapters to be placed on
right-hand page, I get ~30 pages more...

>> - "@headings double" (after "titlepage") it DOES happen.
> I understand that if this is used after the @oddheading command it
> will override it.

1. As above I used it, without "@headings off, @evenheading ...,
@oddheading ...".

2. Actually it DOESN'T happen here as well - it looks like it works
like "@setchapternewpage odd" but without forcing new chapters on
right-hand pages.  It also has "@thischapter" on right-hand pages, but
it's empty for new chapter pages when they happen to be on right-hand

To sum things up, what do "@setchapternewpage odd" and
"@headings double" have, that "@headings off, @evenheading ...,
@oddheading ..." don't have, that they can ignore heading option and
just print page number on new chapter page?

Is it perhaps something you described as:
"There is a special feature to avoid printing the chapter name on the
first page of the chapter (...)"

As for (by K. Berry):
> Texinfo is supposed to emphasize usability and simplicity over
> appearance.

Got it, and since it was optional request, I'm just going to leave it.

S. U.

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