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Re: Sather grammar

From: Keith Hopper
Subject: Re: Sather grammar
Date: Tue, 22 May 2001 12:34:20 +1200
User-agent: Pluto/2.02b (RISC-OS/3.60) POPstar/2.02

     Thanks for the request, Dan!  I forgot to mention that there is a (now
corrected) grammar which you can pick up as

     The notation used is that specified in ISO/IEC 14977:1996 - which used
to be a BS standard.  Both are called "Syntactic Metalanguage".  I have
added Sather-style section headings (because the SOURCE library class can
be told to ignore them!).

     The html file corresponding to these is

which contains cross-links to the various lexical components (eg
identifiers, built-ins and literals).  The default representation for the
symbols is given in annex-D.

     Note that the syntax specifies an identical language to earlier syntax
forms from ICSI -except- that I have tentatively added "library include"
and "library signifier" production rules with a view to the future.  Omit
these and the language grammar is that of the current implementation.


City Desk
Waikato University
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