Hello Marek,
I was also surprised to
learn that the compiler does not check preconditions by default.
Just append "-chk" to your sacomp statement.
It is an alias to "-chk_all all" which will make sure that all checks will occur in all classes.
(I got that from the sacomp man page)
(BTW, thanks for asking questions, it "forces" me to look for info :-) ).
Best regards,
Marek Janukowicz wrote:
> Hello again
> Are pre/post conditions supported by default? I have a test program:
> class MAIN is
> [...]
> create( a : INT ) : SAME
pre a < 10
> post self.a < 5
> is
> [...]
> main
> pre 1 > 2
> post 1 > 2
> is
> [...]
> and it doesn't raise any error, displaying the messages (as it should if the
> preconditions were not there). Do I need to somehow
switch on with some
> compiler switch?
> Marek Janukowicz