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Language extensions (was: Re: Pre/post conditions not working?)

From: Marek Janukowicz
Subject: Language extensions (was: Re: Pre/post conditions not working?)
Date: Sun, 16 Jan 2011 00:17:42 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.13.3 (Linux/2.6.32-gentoo-r7; KDE/4.5.2; x86_64; ; )

On Friday 14 of January 2011, address@hidden wrote:
> Hello Marek,
> Ok.
> I was also surprised to learn that the compiler does not check
> preconditions by default.
> Just append "-chk" to your sacomp statement.
> It is an alias to "-chk_all all" which will make sure that all checks will
> occur in all classes.
> (I got that from the sacomp man page)
> (BTW, thanks for asking questions, it "forces" me to look for info :-) ).

Hi Fadi

Actually, thank *you* for finding it out and blame on me for not checking it 
carefully enough.

Btw. there is another question - what is the proper way (if any) to go with 
language extensions? One thing that I *really* miss since I starting writing 
stuff bigger than a few classes is some kind of namespaces. Because right now 
I'm ending up with class names like MUSH_NET_HTTP_REQUEST_GET (MUSH being the 
general name of my library). I could try taking a shot at implementing it on 
compiler level (doesn't sound like something terribly complicated) and also 
extend the specification (which is really very simple), but what then? Are we 
(or you as the maintainer) allowed to make this kind of changes?

Marek Janukowicz

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