On my side I've got just one question to ask, so if you can answer
here we and you don't have questions for me we can skip this meeting:
* what's currently the reference repository/branch I should us to
(re)base the UI work I'm doing?
-- G
On 05/11/21 16:19, Michael McMahon wrote:
- 0.5.5 release
- Release looks good!
- Opera store updated to 0.5.x!
I will be in the BBB room for a bit. Let me know if you need to
discuss anything today or update over email.
Michael McMahon | Web Developer, Free Software Foundation
GPG Key: 4337 2794 C8AD D5CA 8FCF FA6C D037 59DA B600 E3C0
https://fsf.org | https://gnu.org
-- Giorgio Maone
Hello Giorgio,
as far as I know, you are currently basing your work on top of the fpd
branch. That branch is not in sync with master.
I propose that Marek creates a new fpd(2) branch on top of the current
master like:
git cherry-pick `git log master..pagure/fpd --pretty=format:"%h"`
Currently, this fails because a conflict:
CONFLICT (modify/delete): common/fp_detect_background.js deleted in
HEAD and modified in e62e22a (Cleaning sessionStorage with content
script). Version e62e22a (Cleaning sessionStorage with content script)
of common/fp_detect_background.js left in tree.
Auto-merging common/document_start.js
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in common/document_start.js
error: could not apply e62e22a... Cleaning sessionStorage with content
hint: after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths
hint: with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'
hint: and commit the result with 'git commit'
Marek, can you please have a look at the conflict, solve them and push
the new fpd2 branch? Once we have that branch, please, write to
Giorgio and the mailing list.