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Re: Development meeting 20211105 - fpd2 branch pushed

From: Libor Polčák
Subject: Re: Development meeting 20211105 - fpd2 branch pushed
Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2021 09:00:02 +0100
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Dňa 2021-11-05 16:57 Libor Polčák napísal(a):

On my side I've got just one question to ask, so if you can answer here we and 
you don't have questions for me we can skip this meeting:

  * what's currently the reference repository/branch I should us to (re)base  
the UI work I'm doing?

-- G

On 05/11/21 16:19, Michael McMahon wrote:
- 0.5.5 release
  - Release looks good!
  - Opera store updated to 0.5.x!

I will be in the BBB room for a bit.  Let me know if you need to discuss 
anything today or update over email.

Michael McMahon | Web Developer, Free Software Foundation
GPG Key: 4337 2794 C8AD D5CA 8FCF  FA6C D037 59DA B600 E3C0
https://fsf.org | https://gnu.org

-- Giorgio Maone

Hello Giorgio,

as far as I know, you are currently basing your work on top of the fpd
branch. That branch is not in sync with master.

I propose that Marek creates a new fpd(2) branch on top of the current
master like:

git cherry-pick `git log master..pagure/fpd --pretty=format:"%h"`

Currently, this fails because a conflict:

CONFLICT (modify/delete): common/fp_detect_background.js deleted in
HEAD and modified in e62e22a (Cleaning sessionStorage with content
script). Version e62e22a (Cleaning sessionStorage with content script)
of common/fp_detect_background.js left in tree.
Auto-merging common/document_start.js
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in common/document_start.js
error: could not apply e62e22a... Cleaning sessionStorage with content script
hint: after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths
hint: with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'
hint: and commit the result with 'git commit'

Marek, can you please have a look at the conflict, solve them and push
the new fpd2 branch? Once we have that branch, please, write to
Giorgio and the mailing list.


Hello everybody,

I have recently pushed "fpd2" branch to the pagure repository, as Libor stated in the 
previous message. This new branch contains cherry-picked commits from original "fpd" 
branch, but it is based and synced with the current master.



Thank you, Marek. I see that I accidentally did not push 0.5.5 to pagure. I am 
sorry for that.

So fpd2 is based on 0.5.4. When merging master, there is a conflict in 

if ("configuration" in window) {
        console.debug("Early configuration found!", configuration);
} else {
        /// Get current level configuration from the background script
                        message: "get wrapping for URL",
                        url: window.location.href
<<<<<<< HEAD
        ).then(c => configureInjection(c));

 * Event listener that listens for background script messages.
 * \param callback Function that clears localStorage and sessionStorage.
 browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function (message) {
    if (message.cleanStorage) {
Giorgio, it seems to be a simple conflict to solve, but since this is the code 
that you recently changed, I'll leave this for you to solve.

Giorgio, can you (1) merge master to fpd2 and (2) commit your changes on top of 

Thank you,


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