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Development meeting 20220729

From: Michael McMahon
Subject: Development meeting 20220729
Date: Fri, 29 Jul 2022 12:33:32 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Icedove/91.11.0

Coming back from long break.  Long meeting.  Switched notes to etherpad.

* Progress on reported bugs
* Merged into master some unit and integration testing and should work in Firefox. Should be no red tests. There are some issues for level 0. Some that fail are expected failure. * Working on Chromium integration tests. They work better than FF tests. There should be no expected failures. * Added work implementation tests. Seems to be broken in Chrome. Tests pass, but there might be an issue. Further investigation is needed. Might not work in Firefox as well. Might need to rewrite. Might need to switch off for the default recommended level. * NSCL has an implementation for wrapping workers. Firefox uses async blocking web requests. Chrome uses debugging which results in scary notifications for users.

* Manifest V3
* When FF implements the injection from Manifest V3, the two sides should be similar. * Not a still target. Almost stable for simple extensions that do not do anything edgy. Our use case is still managed with proposals. Hopefully, by December they have all that we need to do a smooth transition. They are still at the proposal stage. We should make room for unforeseen roadblocks. No precise plan for NoScript to handle the transition. Might require a change close to the new year. Simpler if we do NBS until last. * To be safe, we need some version with Manifest V3 by the end of December.
  * Won't be possible to migrate 100% of the features at this time.
  * Sunset doc https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/mv3/mv2-sunset/
  * Injection should work since Chromium 104.
  * In a good shape outside the Network Boundary Shield.
  * Worked on specific grant questions.

* User stats – Approximately 2000-3000
  * Not 100% sure which version Chrome users are using based on stats.

* Usability report
* We will see what the external org has to say. Maybe they will have additional ideas for further grant proposals.

* Localization patch on GitHub
* Initial check looks good. Might need a few improvements and further review. https://github.com/polcak/jsrestrictor/pull/189/commits

* Paper
  * Reviews from the paper came in.  Might be a lot of work in this area.
* Maybe splitting the paper to explaining JS Shield on one side and another side for explaining why.

* Holidays
  * No meetings in August.  Email updates.

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