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[Koha-devel] CVS: koha installer.pl,,

From: Mike Mylonas
Subject: [Koha-devel] CVS: koha installer.pl,,
Date: Thu May 9 02:27:02 2002

Update of /cvsroot/koha/koha
In directory usw-pr-cvs1:/tmp/cvs-serv5541/koha

Modified Files:
      Tag: rel-1-2
Log Message:
Added testing for Perl and dependancies

Index: installer.pl
RCS file: /cvsroot/koha/koha/installer.pl,v
retrieving revision
retrieving revision
diff -C2 -r1.2.2.1 -r1.2.2.2
*** installer.pl        26 Apr 2002 14:47:17 -0000
--- installer.pl        9 May 2002 09:26:47 -0000
*** 10,15 ****
  This installer will prompt you with a series of questions.
  It assumes you (or your system administrator) has installed:
--- 10,13 ----
*** 57,62 ****
  system("tar -x $answer"); #unpack fill out
! #test for Perl and Apache?
  print "Are you using MySql?(Y/[N]): ";
  $answer = $_;                      
--- 55,93 ----
  system("tar -x $answer"); #unpack fill out
+ #
+ # Test for Perl - Do we need to explicity check versions?
+ #
+ print "\nChecking perl modules ...\n";
+     unless (eval "require 5.004") {
+     die "Sorry, you need at least Perl 5.004\n";
+ }
+ #
+ # Test for Perl Dependancies
+ #
+ my @missing = ();
+ unless (eval require DBI)               { push @missing,"DBI" };
+ unless (eval require Date::Manip)       { push @missing,"Datr::Manip" }
+ unless (eval require DBD::mysql)        { push @missing,"DBD::mysql" }
+ unless (eval require Set::Scalar)       { push @missing,"Set::Scalar" }
+ #
+ # Print out a list of any missing modules
+ #
+ if (@missing > 0) {
+     print "\n\n";
+     print "You are missing some Perl modules which are required by Koha.\n";
+     print "They can be installed by running (as root) the following:\n";
+     foreach my $module (@missing) {
+     print "   perl -MCPAN -e 'install \"$module\"'\n";
+     }
+     print "\n";
+     exit;
+ }
! #test for MySQL?
  print "Are you using MySql?(Y/[N]): ";
  $answer = $_;                      

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