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[Koha-devel] Re: irc meeting tomorrow

From: Rachel Hamilton-Williams
Subject: [Koha-devel] Re: irc meeting tomorrow
Date: Thu May 9 15:40:02 2002

Sorry guys I have a prior engagement at 2.30pm local time (at a library as 
luck would have it), but means I'll only be avail for 10 minutes or so.

I can stay logged in to read back, or I can do earlier or later.

Man, one meeting all day and you managed to hit it :-)


> After a brief poll on the irc channel, we've come up with a tentative
> start time of 2PM Katipo Time (GMT+12).  This seems to incovenience the
> majority of the people the least (sorry Sergey and Paul).  We can either
> run with Nick's full blown agenda, or the shorter one I proposed and just
> plan on more meetings to hit all the items.
> Rachel, you seem to be the logical chair for the meeting, what do you
> think?  Anyone else?
> -pate


Rachel Hamilton-Williams             Katipo Communications            
WEBMISTRESS                          ph  021 389 128 or +64 04 934 1285 
mailto:address@hidden           PO Box 12487, Wellington
http://www.katipo.co.nz              New Zealand
Koha Open Source Library System

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