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Re: [Koha-devel] my candidacy

From: Pat Eyler
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] my candidacy
Date: Mon May 20 07:31:02 2002

On Mon, 20 May 2002, Pat Eyler wrote:

> I think that our existing road map is a good place to start.  I'm
> encouraged by the amount of coordination that already occurs on the
> list and in irc, and encourage more of this.  If elected, I would like
> to use a staff (described below) to help build and lead the community.
hmmm, I guess I should probably describe the staff if I say I'm going to.

If elected, I would nominate people to the following positions:

1.2 Release Manager
   Responsible for coordinating stabilization of the 1.2 release, and
merging of 1.2 enhancements into the main tree.  They will be a presence
on the koha-devel mailing list.  They will be the owner of a 1.2 release
task list at SourceForge.

1.4 Release Manager
   Responsible for coordinating development on the 1.3 series and then
stabilization of the 1.4 release.  They will be a presence on the
koha-devel mailing list.   They will be the owner of a 1.4 release task
list at SourceForge.

Marketing Manager
   Responsible for helping drive the uptake of Koha into selected
communities and organizations.  Also reponsible for coordinating a koha
presence at selected shows/conferences.  They should also be a presence on
the koha mailing list.

   Responsible for helping individuals and companies begin to develop and
support koha.  They should be a presence on both the koha and koha-devel

Library Liason
   Responsible for ensuring that the customer (libraries) isn't being
ignored while developers run off to 'do their own thing'.  Ideally, this
person could help to organize/start a koha users group.  They should also
be a presence on the koha mailing list.


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