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Re: [Koha-devel] my candidacy

From: Alan Millar
Subject: Re: [Koha-devel] my candidacy
Date: Mon May 20 16:27:03 2002
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

On Mon, May 20, 2002 at 10:14:59AM -0400, Pat Eyler wrote:
> To encourage code cleanliness, I feel that we need to encourage the
> development of tests and documentation.  Liberally seeding the
> codebase will make a good start.  Encouraging the addition of tests for
> new features before checkin (indeed, the successful passing of the
> complete testsuite before checkin) will also be a great help.

Sounds like a great idea.  How do we start?  Does anyone have
pointers on where to read up on writing testing code?
I see how Perl CPAN modules go through tests on install, but I
don't have any idea how they do it.  

I'd love to see us come up with some automated install/upgrade
software.  I *love* the Koha database updater that figures out what tables
and columns need to be added; it's a great start.   Along similar
lines, I recently installed the Linux terminal server software
LTSP 3.0 from ltsp.org.  I was impressed that it is not a bunch of
new software, but rather a tool to configure all the existing software
on your system to have the correct settings. That may give us
some inspiriation (configuring Apache for OPAC, etc.)

- Alan


Alan Millar     --==> address@hidden <==--

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