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[Koha-devel] Documentation additions

From: Tonnesen Steve
Subject: [Koha-devel] Documentation additions
Date: Tue Jun 25 16:25:02 2002


Some suggestions for documentation changes.

I think that installer.pl should be the recommended installation method
for 1.2.x now.

installer.pl will:

Check for perl modules

Prompt for an installation directory for the OPAC files.
        Default value is /usr/local/koha/opac/

Prompt for an installation directory for the Intranet files.
        Default value is /usr/local/koha/intranet/

Prompt for an installation directory for koha.conf
        Default value is /etc/koha.conf

Prompt for a name for Koha's Mysql database
        Default value is Koha

Prompt for the hostname where the database is located
        Default is localhost

   Note:  Using a database hosted on another server will probably break
          installer.pl at this point, as it uses mysql client tools (mysql
          and mysqladmin) for creating and populating the database. 

Prompt for a mysql user for Koha to use
        Default is kohaadmin

Prompt for a mysqlpassword for the Koha user
        There is no default

Prompts for an email address for the Apache Virtual Hosts
        Default is address@hidden

Prompts for the domain name or ip address of the server
        Default is the installing machine's hostname

Prompts for a port for the OPAC virtual host
        Default is port 80

   Note:  Using port 80 for the OPAC interface will "hide" any other web
          content being served from Apache's default root directory.  If
          the server is serving other web content already, the OPAC
          interface should be put on a port other than 80.  Port 8000
          might be a good suggestion.

Prompts for a port for the INTRANET virtual host
        Default is 8080

* Copies all of the files to their final locations *

Prompts for the MySQL root password
        There is no default

* Creates and Updates the Koha database *

Prompts to install the sample data
        Default is No

   Note:  If you are installing Koha for evaluation purposes,  I have a
          batch of sample data that you can install now.  If you are
          installing Koha with the intention of populating it with your own
          data, you probably don't want this sample data installed. 

If you do _not_ install the sample data, the script will prompt the user
for a library branch and a printer
        Default is "Main Library", "MAIN"  and "Library Printer", "lp"

The install.pl displays a message stating that the INTRANET interface can
be reached at:


and the OPAC can be reached at:


Last prompt is to restart the apache webserver.
        Default is No

Steve Tonnesen.

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